A well-balanced life can feel elusive and yet it’s a worthwhile pursuit because when achieved, balance produces optimal performance and well-being. This month we’re talking about building balance – and the success and satisfaction it can bring to every aspect of your life.
Melanie Ott
Inspirational Thoughts
“Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.” ~ Thomas Merton
“One has to find a balance between what people need from you and what you need for yourself.” ~ Jessye Norman
The Art of Balance
Balance is a delicate art – it looks and feels different for everyone.
When life is unbalanced you feel it in every aspect of your life. Every step is a struggle when you’re not steady enough to pause and catch your breath.
When life is balanced, you feel clear-headed and grounded. You cope with difficulties calmly and fully enjoy each part of your life. No one segment of your life – work, family, personal – dominates to the detriment of the others. Your time, energy, attention, and commitments are aligned with your values and purpose.
To pursue greater balance, start by examining the interplay between your roles – employer/employee/coworker (work); spouse/parent/child/friend (relationships); and volunteer/yogi/dog-walker (personal) any other “identities” you may have. Take note of the “balance” or lack of between your roles. Making small changes in one or two areas can have a big impact overall.
Another way to increase balance is to periodically audit your calendar and note where you spend the bulk of your time. The amount of time spent in any life area usually indicates what you value most. If there’s a disconnect between the two, consider what adjustments you can make to your schedule so it more closely aligns with what’s most important to you.
Since life tends to swing in and out of balance, make sure your expectations for balance are realistic and achievable.
Tips for Building Balance
Focus on the Future
At Leap Forward Coaching we have a process to help you balance your roles and responsibilities, bringing success and fulfillment to every facet of your life.
Complimentary Coaching Meeting
If I have piqued your curiosity about the value of coaching for you or someone you know, please contact me for a complimentary coachingmeeting to explore what coaching can do for you!
Photo Credit: Christy Jenkins Photography
© 2015, Leap Forward Coaching
[…] you’re experiencing burnout, take a step back. Read my tips for building balance. Focus on nurturing yourself and saying no. Then take the time to assess your habits and priorities […]