The events of the past 18 months significantly impacted our lives. As we adjust to this ever-changing new normal, join me in reflecting, regrouping, and taking stock — to cope, find new solutions, and foster resilience as we make positive strides toward our new future. Inspirational Thought “I love those who can smile in trouble,… [Read More]
Planning For Success
Focus Outward
We’ve all been touched by the pain and loss of these last four months. The pandemic and the ongoing struggle for racial justice have changed our lives forever, and it’s hard to know how to move forward. But as devastating as it’s been, I believe in the power of hope: hope that we can learn… [Read More]
Focus Inward
In the swirling chaos of world events, it’s been difficult to know which way to turn. We’re starting a two-part series aimed at helping you balance your focus for personal and professional health. This month we’re talking about focusing inward; next time, we’ll discuss focusing outward. Thanks for joining us! Inspirational Thoughts “As we journey… [Read More]
Leap Forward Coaching’s TOP 5 Newsletters of the Decade!
I am filled with gratitude as I reflect on the past decade of sharing life, career, and coaching tips with readers through my Leap Forward Coaching newsletter. It is truly my joy and privilege to share encouragement, advice, and inspiration with you through your inbox! This month I invite you to revisit some of… [Read More]
Move On
Just as there’s value in practicing patience, it’s also critical to know how and when to move on. Let’s create forward momentum to transform your life. Warmly, Melanie Ott Inspirational Thoughts “The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but in building the new.” ~ Socrates “If you’re… [Read More]
Be Intentional
What does it mean to live your life with intention? And how can you be more intentional every day? Let’s explore how to be intentional in your thoughts, beliefs, and actions — to live purposefully and powerfully. Warmly, Melanie Ott Inspirational Thoughts “We shape our lives and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And… [Read More]
SPRING Into Action!
‘Tis the season to SPRING into action! Spring is the perfect time to refresh your routine, move forward on your goals, or make a bold change in your life. Let’s talk about practical ways to “SPRING” forward into action. Warmly, Melanie Ott Inspirational Thoughts “Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned.” ~ Peter Marshall “Inaction… [Read More]
Create It and Become It
You’ve heard of the concept “fake it till you make it.” Let’s take that idea one step further. Let’s talk about how to create it and become it – actively shaping your future self with today’s actions. Warmly, Melanie Ott Inspirational Thoughts “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” ~ George Bernard… [Read More]
Have Faith
Faith can be difficult to understand and even more challenging to practice. But when you have faith, it provides focus, energy, and the courage to act — it transforms you. Today I’m sharing thoughts on the power of faith in your life, career, and for your soul. Warmly, Melanie Ott Inspirational Thoughts “Faith is believing when it is… [Read More]
Live Boldly: Life Larger than Your Fears
Fear. You’ve experienced it: Sweating, chills, gut-wrenching nausea, difficulty breathing, and a racing heart. Fear is hardwired into your brain to protect you from danger – but it can also consume your energy, hinder your progress, and choke your spirit. Next time you feel fear’s grip, ask yourself, “Who could I be and what would I do if I… [Read More]