Mantras are a powerful tool in many areas of life – and in few places are they more valuable than when it comes to self-confidence! Here are a few mantras to repeat to yourself when you’re facing a challenge or just having a rough day. 1. I know who I am, and I am enough…. [Read More]
Archives for April 2015
The 3 Parts of Total Confidence
Tim Sanders is a best-selling author and leadership consultant to Fortune 500 companies. He pinpoints three elements of “total” confidence which I found very helpful. 1. Confidence in self 2. Confidence in your team (company, industry, family) 3. Confidence in faith (in God, capitalism, a cause) I’ve often said that “You deserve to be happy… [Read More]
Symptoms You Lack Confidence
Maybe you’re thinking, “I’m not sure if I lack confidence. I feel okay about myself – is this something I need to consider?” It’s true that some lucky people are born with an inherent sense of self – comfortable in their own skin and their place in the world. But a lack of confidence doesn’t… [Read More]