Happy Thanksgiving! 2021 was another hard year. I’m more aware than ever that what you tune in to is what you receive, whether you’re experiencing the turmoil of a seemingly unending global pandemic, or just your garden-variety bad day. So as Thanksgiving and the holiday season approach, make a conscious choice to tune in to… [Read More]
Happy Thanksgiving from Leap Forward Coaching!
Happy Thanksgiving! As the holiday season approaches, and the challenging year that was 2020 draws to a close, I believe we can all benefit from a renewal in outlook, mind, and spirit. Renewal: The act or process of being made like new: restored to freshness, vigor, or perfection; to make new spiritually; to restore to… [Read More]
Happy Thanksgiving from Leap Forward Coaching!
Gratitude, noun, an emotion of the heart; a state of appreciation, thankfulness, and acknowledgment. With the rush of the holiday season fast approaching, now is the time to pause and reflect on the things for which you are grateful. In fact, cultivating a spirit of gratitude is a pursuit worthy of year-round attention! Consider the adage, “A grateful heart sees… [Read More]
Happy Thanksgiving from Leap Forward Coaching!
As the holidays approach and you receive gifts from family and friends, you may have the thought, “It’s better to give than to receive.” This holiday season I encourage you to find joy in this paradigm shift: Give the gift of receiving by accepting with an open and grateful heart. Receive with grace. Occasionally a… [Read More]
Happy Thanksgiving from Leap Forward Coaching!
Happy Thanksgiving! The holidays are the perfect time to be extra kind to friends, family, and everyone you meet. As you go about your daily business or gather with loved ones, employ these kindness practices each and every day. Spread daily acts of kindness. During the holiday season and throughout the year, conduct small acts… [Read More]
Happy Thanksgiving from Leap Forward Coaching!
One of the great joys of Thanksgiving is the opportunity to spend time with friends and family. But the tension that sometimes accompanies the holidays can irritate old wounds or create new ones. This Thanksgiving, and throughout the holiday season, to experience more joy and connection, I encourage you to practice forgiveness. While letting go… [Read More]
Happy Thanksgiving from Leap Forward Coaching!
“We are human beings, not human doings.” ~ Neale Donald Walsh Thanksgiving and the winter holidays are a wonderful time full of food, family, and festivities. Sometimes, however, it can feel like this season is so full of doing that we forget about being. This holiday season, I’d like to challenge you to do less… [Read More]