Spring 2010
Transition: preparing for transition phases of life and seeking to achieve different, more meaningful life and career goals.
Change can be frightening and an invaluable opportunity for growth. Change introduces us to opportunities we may never have experienced and a positive outlook is the key to converting adversity into a constructive experience. Preparing for transition and learning to manage the many challenging aspects of change can help you learn from the past, embrace the present, and maximize your future success.
Thank you for reading the spring issue of the Leap Forward Coaching, LLC e-newsletter. This newsletter is inspired by clients who are working with me to achieve a richer and more fulfilling life. I hope you find at least one suggestion or thought to inspire and encourage you. In this edition, our topic is Transition: preparing for transition phases of life and seeking to achieve different, more meaningful life and career goals.
May your New Year be filled with peace, joy, and fulfillment,
Melanie Ott
Inspirational Quotes
Life is a series of collisions with the future; it is not a sum of what we have been but what we yearn to be. ~Jose Ortega y Gassett
Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending. ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Ultimately, your state of mind determines your circumstances. To realize the outcomes you want it is critical to recognize and experience the transition from our present thoughts, habits and actions to new thoughts, habits, and actions. ~Darren L. Johnson
Transition: The Agent for Positive Growth
Life, by its very nature, requires that we will face changes in our lives. Transition and change are inevitable and take many forms. Some transitions are deliberate and positive in nature, like graduation, career promotions, marriage, new baby, and relocation. Some are unplanned and unwelcome, such as job loss, divorce, and the death of a loved one. Any change, large or small, elected or imposed, can be stressful and unsettling. Learning to confidently adapt to and embrace a new phase of life, while simultaneously making peace with the past, is important in learning to achieve your full potential for success and happiness.
Change can be both frightening – and an invaluable opportunity for growth. A positive attitude is integral to self improvement and growth. All improvement comes from change and the first step must always be an attitude shift. Change introduces us to opportunities we may never have experienced otherwise, and a positive outlook is the key to converting adversity into a constructive experience.
William Bridges, author of Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change, suggests it is transition, not change, that creates the most havoc. Change is the external outcome or end result. Transition is the more challenging internal process people go through in coming to terms with a new situation. Without transition, change will not occur as smoothly or favorably.
Bridges pinpoints three stages of change: Ending or Letting Go, the Neutral Zone, and New Beginning.
- As paradoxical as it seems, transition starts with an ending. Even though change and transition lead to something new, to move forward we must first endure an ending. Endings require us to let go of something from our past (the loss of our old reality or identity) before we can move ahead. Take time to mourn the past and acknowledge and find comfort in things that are not changing around you.
- The neutral stage is often the most confusing and unsettling phase of transition, because it is a period of flux, a no-man’s land; the old has passed but the new has not yet begun. American futurist Marilyn Ferguson describes the neutral zone as, "Linus when his blanket is in the dryer. There is nothing to hold on to." Expect and prepare for this period of instability. Take time to gain clarity and focus, remaining flexible, teachable, and open to what is ahead.
- Beginnings, the final phase of the transition process, can be uncomfortable and scary. People long for beginnings and simultaneously fear them. Beginnings require acceptance of the ending and demand we be the new person the new life phase requires. Refuse to allow fear of what lies ahead to force you to continue with the status quo. Celebrate your journey – acknowledge the focus and resilience which brought you through your transition.
Tips for Successfully Navigating Times of Transition
Times of transition – changes in work life, relationships, a move, or the loss of a loved one – are inevitable and can be stressful. Here are some tips to help you navigate through life’s transitions.
- Take the time to mourn your loss. Whether it was an old job, a loved one, or a stage of life, mourning involves acknowledging that something in your life is changed or gone. Adequate mourning is vital to mental health and the ability to successfully embrace new life phases.
- Note the emotions and beliefs which may surface during transition by considering the following questions: How do they serve me in getting through this transition? What is holding me back from moving forward? What is good about this change? How can I make the best of this?
- Celebrate the past and carry old lessons forward with you to your new experience.
- Maintain a positive attitude. Focus your attention on the positive aspects of your new stage of life fully while fully informing yourself of the options and opportunities now available to you.
Focus on the Future …
What do these important issues of transition have to do with you? Simply put: if you are currently going through, emerging from, or planning for a change, it is vital that you learn to effectively navigate demanding times of transition and change. Preparing for transition and learning to manage the many challenging aspects of change can help you learn from the past, embrace the present, and maximize your future success.
Leap Forward Coaching, LLC can help. We have a process that will empower you to live more skillfully by increasing your awareness of the forces and factors shaping your self-image, worldview and your ability to achieve your full potential for success and happiness. By guiding you through your transition as it unfolds, we can help you become more fully aware of your strengths, resilience and resourcefulness.
Further Reading on Multitasking & Mindfulness …
- Tips on Understanding & Getting Through Change
- Staying Open During Times of Change
- How To Save Your Sanity During Life Transitions
If I have piqued your curiosity about the value of coaching for you or someone you know, please contact me by phone or email for a complimentary coaching meeting to explore what coaching can do for you. Please feel free to forward this email to anyone you think it may benefit.
Leap Forward Coaching, LLC
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