Have you ever been excited about an achievement only to feel your joy evaporate in the wake of someone else’s success or one-upmanship? This month we’re examining comparison and contentment — and cultivating joy and gratitude in all aspects of your life. Warmly, Melanie Ott P.S. I’m excited to share my recent Posh Seven magazine… [Read More]
Cultivate Creativity
The promise of spring in the air reminds us of the endless opportunities for new beginnings, renewal, and growth. Wherever you are in life’s journey, now is the time to cultivate creativity and reap the benefits of increased joy and good health. Warmly, Melanie Ott Inspirational Thoughts Creativity is intelligence having fun. — Albert Einstein… [Read More]
Think Big!
Are your dreams big, bold, and audacious? Or do you limit yourself by fear, doubt, or even laziness? I’m talking about Thinking Big: thoughts and tips for taking your life vision from the everyday to the extraordinary. Warmly, Melanie Ott Inspirational Thought What lies behind us and what lies between us are tiny matters compared… [Read More]
Stop And Smell the Roses: Be Present Now
As the lazy days of summer are winding down, most of us are gearing up for fall and the return of regular schedules and commitments. As we prepare for this busier season, it’s important to pause, reflect, and Be Present. Practice savoring every moment to make the most of everything – big and small –… [Read More]
Take Care of YOU …
How do YOU take care of YOU? Do you intentionally care for yourself, regularly, occasionally, or not at all? Self care plays an important role in your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. When you intentionally take care of your body, your mind, and your spirit, you will reap the benefits of greater vitality and resilience…. [Read More]
Finding the Line Between Doing & Being
It can be difficult to discern between doing and being, especially when it feels like you don’t even have a moment to stop, breathe, and assess your needs, resources, and actions. In fact, many times the line is fuzzy: are you going to that holiday party because you want to spend the evening with your… [Read More]
Do Less, Be More
If your holiday season has become more about doing than about being, try this simple exercise: make a list of things you are not going to do this holiday season. This can help you refocus your energy away from your ballooning to-do list and on to the more important things this season. For home blogger… [Read More]
Anything, Not Everything
Ultimately, the decision to say no comes down to a simple-yet-complex statement: you can do anything you want, you just can’ t do everything. Time, energy, and interest are finite. It is impossible to pursue every opportunity, and it is unwise to pursue most opportunities. So how do you decide which opportunities are worth passing… [Read More]
Be Honest with Yourself
In the most recent Leap Forward Coaching e-newsletter we discussed “taking bold leaps of faith in the major areas in your life.” A key step in acting courageously is acknowledging your fears. Take your fear and stare it down, refusing to give it power over your life. Saying “I am afraid to apply for that… [Read More]
How to Be Interesting
This edition’s topic is How to Be Interesting. Interesting people light up a room, draw a crowd, and are sought after for relationships by friends and co-workers. Fortunately, being interesting is a characteristic that can be enhanced and developed in all of us. I hope you find at least one idea to inspire and encourage… [Read More]